For an independent EPC in other parts of the country please see below for your local provider.

You can check the EPC for any property at this website

Local DEA for EPCs in the Cardiff area.

Local DEA for EPCs in the Manchester area.


Local DEA for EPCs in the Newark area.


Local DEA for EPCs in the Bristol area.


Local DEA for EPCs in the Liverpool area.


Local DEA for EPCs in the Norwich area.


Local DEA for EPCs in the Brighton area.


EPCs for the following towns and villages all fall within our area :-
Colchester, Tiptree, Kelvedon, Coggeshall, Aldham, Copford, Ipswich, Great Tey, Bures, Witham and Halstead. Also Marks Tey, Bradwell, Cressing, Thorrington, Sudbury, Earls Colne, Copdock, Braintree and Capel St Mary. And Hadleigh, Boxford, Bentley, Dedham, East Bergholt, Rowhedge, Nayland, West Bergholt, Clacton and Boxted. As well as Wivenhoe, Rowhedge, Brightlingsea, Thorrington, Weeley, Great Horkesley, Stoke, Easthorpe, Langham, Hatfield Peveral, Maldon and everywhere in between.

Other sites for EPCs in Colchester and the surrounding areas:
EPC Colchester

Glorious sunset
Glorious sunset

EPC Colchester | Not in our area?